As an organization that has hundreds of events each year, it’s the Shaw Centre’s corporate responsibility to ensure that any leftovers are conscientiously disposed of. That’s why the Leave a Legacy program was set in place – to limit waste throughout the facility, to reduce its carbon footprint, and to give back to surrounding communities.
This program is presented to clients during the planning stage of their events and compliments the facility’s dedication to sustainability and comprehensive waste management and recycling programs. These programs were put in place when the Centre first re-opened its doors in 2011. Event organizers can then leave behind any unused items from their conference to the Shaw Centre’s Marketing Department, who will find new homes for these items with people in and around the Ottawa community who need them most.

Earlier this year, the Shaw Centre received a mass donation, of various items, after the completion of one of the large conferences to occur in early 2020. The Centre’s Marketing Team then organized and counted the inventory of goods, and then researched organizations that could benefit from the donated items. They connected with the Education Foundation and the City of Ottawa to help disperse the goods. A representative from each organization met a member from the Shaw Centre’s Marketing Team and picked up the items from the Centre, to distribute them to families and individuals through community center programs.
Did you know 1 in 5 children in Ottawa schools live in poverty? This results in almost 15,000 children within the Ottawa District School Board. While these statistics seem surprising, a difference will continue to be made through the Leave a Legacy program, by continuing to work with organizations such as Education Foundation. A program whose goal is to diminish the number of poverty-stricken children within the Ottawa District School Board.

Some of the items that were donated to the Education Foundation included: ponchos, hand sanitizers, first aid kits, metal water bottles, and highlighters.
“Finding organizations to take these goods was unfortunately a simple task, we hope one day through programs like Leave a Legacy we can help to reduce poverty in the city of Ottawa”, says Josh Verch, Acting Director of Marketing and Partnerships. “Working for an organization that truly cares about the wellbeing of citizens from this city is a wonderful feeling.”
Planning an event at the Shaw Centre? Ask your Event Services Manager how you can participate in our Leave a Legacy program!