Published on July 10, 2018
The process of identifying and pursuing opportunities in the convention business is an extraordinarily detailed and time consuming one. In fact, it can often take many months of work to develop and deliver a winning proposal.
As a result, we are grateful for, and celebrate, every piece of business we land. To have Shaw Centre recognized as a top destination by national and international organizations is a source of tremendous pride for everyone on our team.
Many wondered if after all the excitement in Ottawa for Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017, we would experience a bit of a letdown this year, but at Shaw Centre that’s certainly not the case. Below is a glimpse of just some of the conventions being held at Shaw Centre this year:
• Cannexus
• Northern Lights 2018
• Manning Networking Conference
• New Democratic Party of Canada Policy Convention 2018
• International Making Cities Livable 2018
• Ottawa Race Weekend
• CPA 2018 Conference and Tradeshow
• Optimist International 2018 Annual Convention
• AMO 2018 Conference and Tradeshow
• 2018 Canadian Aerospace Summit
• SAAS North 2018
These and other events will draw tens of thousands of out-of-town visitors to downtown Ottawa, resulting in a substantial economic impact for scores of businesses. Delegates (and in many cases, their accompanying partners) fill hotel rooms, dine at restaurants, shop at stores, ride on buses or in taxis, enjoy local entertainment and visit galleries and museums. In case you are wondering about the scope of the impact these conventioneers have, they are responsible for booking half a million room nights in total and injecting on average about $1500 per person into our local economy during their stay in Ottawa. Needless to say, thousands of workers in Ottawa benefit directly or indirectly from the delegates that visit Shaw Centre.
While I am the first to applaud the dedication of our in-house sales and marketing team, it is important to note that we could not achieve the success we do without the support of our many local partners with whom we collaborate to put together our winning bids. Our close relationship with local champions and Ottawa Tourism are invaluable. When we work together to market Ottawa as the ideal convention destination, the synergy that comes from our teamwork is both impressive and inspiring. As we continue our diligent efforts to book events for 2019, 2020 and beyond, I am excited to see a sustained, bright future for Shaw Centre and for our city.